Paris, June 7 1815.
I believe that it will be suitable for you to leave tomorrow evening. You will go directly to Lille and as incognito as possible, in order to make all of the arrangements so that the places on the front line are secure, and to have what still remains of the line troops in Calais leave. You may have the transfers made that the circumstances require, either in men, or in arms, and you will see* a destination given to the battalions that are to arrive between now and the 13th. It will be expedient for you to take at the war office all of the departures of the battalions of le Nord. Make especially sure of their clothing and arms. That will take you to the 10th. See if there is a sufficient number of commanding generals and if there is a good commander of the citadel. Finally, advise General Lapoype of all that is necessary. On the 11th you may go to Maubeuge and to Avesnes. You will come to meet me on the road to Laon where it is probable that I will be on the 12th. You will obtain the latest information on the enemy’s position; you will endeavor to establish a spy office in Lille, and a company of men who know the roads of Belgium well. There are forestry guards from the Ardennes who communicate by way of the forests as far as Brussels. Procure an intelligence officer for yourself who will procure men for us who can serve us.